Tuesday, January 30, 2007

1/30: Thoughts on last night's episode -- and this week on blogspot!


I hope that, like me, all of you were able to catch last night's spine-tingling episode "The Fix". First, some thoughts from last night:

1. It was weird that I didn't see any screen graphic "Chapter 12: The Fix". If anyone knows why, please leave a comment!

2. If you've viewed or dowloaded last week's photos for "Distractions", the photos of Sylar wearing a Primatech uniform implies that Sylar will -- at least for one episode -- work for HRG. One question arises: why would HRG have Sylar working for him after Sylar killed HRG's doctor?

3. How will DL react to Micah using his powers to get free money out of ATMs?

4. I'm wondering now what Nathan's REAL goal is. Does Nathan really want to "save" Peter? Or does he want to "stop" Peter?

5. Is Matt the father of his yet-unborn child?

6. I thought "Hana Gitleman" was supposed to debut last night!

And now, things to look for on my blog this week (hopefully) ... as a rule, NBC sends out the publicity videos and stills starting the afternoon after an airing. So I HOPE to begin posting new stuff later today.

So stay tuned!


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